Spinal Cord Injury and the Future
In 1980, Barry Corbet published a book called “Options”– interlacing his own stories with those of spinal cord injury survivors from across the country. The book was a foundational piece of writing about disability, and what it’s like to live and thrive with spinal injury. The last copies of the book were printed in the mid-80s and many lost to time. Despite its significance, physical copies of the book are a rare-find, and a digital version has been non-existent until now.
A well-worn copy of options was among the many pieces of archival content that our team unearthed in the making of FULL CIRCLE, and it was the most profound and impactful. Barry’s words spoke directly to Trevor and his journey, and Options became the framework in guiding the structure of the film.
In 2023, Barry’s family set themselves on the project of making Options available once again. This edition was produced by scanning a copy of the 9″ printed and bound version, followed by optical character recognition and assembly into the PDF you can download now.
«Barry Corbet passed away in 2004, and is still much missed. Much has changed in the over 40 years since Options was written; some things have improved, others have not. But the words in this book, and the people portrayed within it, are as relevant and important as they were in 1980. We are happy to make Options available once again, and hope that it can help many others to understand the options that they have.»
— Jennifer Corbet, Jonathan Corbet, Michael Corbet, and Muffy Moore
Suitable for reading in Kindles, Kobos, Nooks and other electronic-book readers
This file is large and relatively hard to navigate, but may be of interest to people wanting to see what the last printed edition looked like.

Online as a web page; this is the best way to read Options in a web browser. As an EPUB file suitable for reading in Kindles, Kobos, Nooks, and other electronic-book readers. As a PDF file, suitable for printing. A PDF containing scans of the ninth edition. This file is large and relatively hard to navigate, but may be of interest to people wanting to see what the last printed edition looked like.